







Script Packs








Rating Scale









 Could Try it...


 Not Worth the DL.







MGON Tribes

Tribal War

The Junk Shop




Tribes Universe

Doomed's Arm.

Tribes Football





Not totally sure of all the functions, it works with Time HUD though, and looks pretty cool.  Requires: nothing - MassMedia




Never miss anything again! this is great, no more missed appointments :)  Requires: Time HUD (a must ) -MassMedia


Anti Clone


Temporary fix to NoFix attacks, it was made by labrat.  




Sets waypoints to flag carriers automatically, or manually, then turns off when its capped or returned. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - MrPoop


This is an old cheat that would place fake beacons on certain parts of maps, like turrets and base entries. THIS WILL NOT WORK WITH 1.11 SO DON'T EVEN ASK. and if you e-mail me asking for help how to make them work with 1.11, don't expect a reply any time in the next 600 years. 




Lets you bind keys to start/stop and next track your CD's cool...Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - BigBunny


ChatHUD Editor


Lets you choose the number of lines when you resize the chat menu. Requires: NewOpts - BigBunny



Hides the chat HUD when there is no activity in it, YEAH! Requires: NewOpts, Presto Pack 0.93 - MrPoop



Dreaming of translucent reticles? this is the first script to accomplish such a feet with a nifty NewOpts interface and some l33t reticles :)  Requires: NewOpts, Presto Pack - deRost



If you can't figure out what this script is, well, i think you need help. But for those of you who are impaired its a CLOCK HUD.

Connect v1.0  


Join & Retry script, Version 1.0


Demo Messages


Lets you set messages for a demo so you don't have to stop to type it all out. Requires: nothing - Mental Trousers 

Duck Hunt Maps


(Sniper Training Maps)...Note: Put in Mission DIR. 

Easy Deploy


Automatically moves you to where you'll be able to deploy, no more bad location messages. Requires: Presto pack - Ziktar

Fake Death.cs 


Fake Death is for Renegade 2k Mod Bases only!.....Play fake death animations...


Taunts the enemy and says some messages on flag events, supports the 5150 packs - Requires: nothing - Pr0nigy



It allows you to know how long until Enemy/Friendly flags are returned. Gives you the option of announcing to your team, or just the default popup box.(No New Opts).

FrameRate HUD v1.2


Display the FrameRate of the your video card during game...Very useful to find out lag problems.- |HH|Crunchy



Lets you set waypoints to everyone on your team, or pick out an enemy for a vendetta. Requires: NewOpts, Presto Pack - Arx Fornax
Icon Pack


This will add a little icon telling you at the end of a match whether a players score has gone up or down.. interesting little tidbit. Requires: nothing - Unknown




Throws all your ammo and weapon in the air...
K-Pack v2.0


(Kill Counter for All Base Weapons)


Small script that pops up a one line message box on certain death events. Requires: Presto Pack - PowdaHound


Kirby FooTBaLL Check

Football Check (Down)


The First!!! Football Check On Screen Notification...Tells you if you have the football.  - Requires: Presto - -:SHAZBOT:-



Pops up a menu everytime you kill or are killed by someone, cool. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - BigBunny

Local Celebrations


Lets you DANCE! when you complete an objective or do something right :) Requires: ObjectiveTrak - BigBunny

Mental Trouser's Script 1


Simple Spam/Nuisance Filter. Requires: nothing - Mental Trousers
Mental Trouser's Script 2


Hole bunch of team Damage replies and retorts.  Requires: nothing - Mental Trousers



Drops one "pack" thingy of each type of ammo that you have, and a rep kit if you have one - Requires: nothing - Oxygen




Script that keeps track of how many times the flags have been grabbed - Requires: Presto Pack - Oxygen




Script that keeps track of all the flags you have in Hunter - Requires: Presto Pack - Oxygen




This one keeps track of how many times players have been killed by turrets - Requires: Presto Pack - Oxygen 


Path Practice


Sort of an odd little tidbit, will respawn you in set locations on keystroke, great for route practice.. especially if you mess up a lot. Requires: nothing - Unknown


PDA Dance


Makes you do really weird moves when you hit a key, good for checking the command map and avoiding snipers. Requires: Writer's Support Pack - Writer

PJ's Optimized String Pixels


Speeds up any script that calculates how many pixels are in a string like SplitMSG (for newopts). Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - PanamaJack



Can set an auto away, automatically crouches you, wines when you die while AFK, and customizable afk messages.

Requires: NewOpts, Presto Pack - MrPoop



"just another graphical reminder of wether or not you have the flag" :) Requires: NewOpts, Presto Pack - MrPoop



Bumps up mouse sensitivity and keeps you in 3rd person view.- Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - MrPoop



Screams HEY! whenever you hit the transmit key for a voice program like Roger Wilco. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - MrPoop 



A little taunt scrip a-la MrPoop. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - MrPoop

Remote Flag


Announces flag drops, caps and grabs with a popup HUD. Requires: ? - Grinder


This is a filter for a lot of useless spam, namely, that "Disc victim #46003" script. Requires: ?? - Antareus



Repeats a sample every X seconds, keep X big or it turns out to be spamming.. doh!  Requires: Presto Pack 0.93 - BigBunny



Some useful scripts taken from the SixPack and cleaned up. Requires: nothing - MrPoop
SpoonBot v.06a
SpoonBot Maps Spoonbot Map (53 Maps)
SpoonBot FAQ v1.4 English


Training Program for Tribes.. simulates real time for preparation online action.

StatTrak 1.2 


Actually a HUD, it tracks lifetime kills for you. There is just very very little info on it, so its here. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93 - Spades 

Super Duck Maps (fidelio's extension)


These are SuperDuck CCD, Dangerous Crossing, IceRidge, and SnowBlind. (Sniper Training Maps...good to improve your skill.)

Super Duck Maps (original maps)


These are SuperDuck RainDance and Stonehenge. (Sniper Training Maps...good to improve your skill.)



This script takes taunting WAY too seriously, there are options and functions for absolutely everything.  Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts PanamaJack



Add's automatic responses in team damage situations. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93 - Poker


Tracks who changes teams and when and tells him if he's a loser or a hero. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93, NewOpts - BigBunny

Tribes Botz


Training Program for Tribes.. simulates real time for preparation online action. (Another Training Program, like SpoonBots)
Tribes ExBots World


Training Program for Tribes.. simulates real time for preparation online action.

(Another Training Program, like SpoonBots)

Tribes Mp3 Music Mix


(Pretty good for first time, will get better)

Tribes ShazFunk (Shazbot Song) Mp3


Awesome!! The one and only Shazbot Song!

Tribes Incoming Mp3


(Small neat mp3 from tribes...)

Tribes 77Attack Mp3


(The Second attemp to make a mp3 for tribes..pretty good.)


Tribes UPLTribesMusic Mp3


(Very GOod Mp3 Mix!! Worth the DL)


Ultra Monkey Sound Pack

Ultra Monkey Sound Pack .cs files


The Best sound pack out there!....100's of sounds.

URL Catcher


Cool script that catches all URLs that go through the message box and prints them to a text file. Requires: Nothing - MassMedia


Tool to make .vol files for scripts, etc...
Volumer v0.20


Tool to Extract files from .vol files...


Script that ups volume from 0 - 100% by 10% intervals - Requires: Presto Pack - PowdaHound



Allows quick and easy waypointing via a drop menu for every base map and the balanced/open call, now supports the DOX map pack. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93 - Rayn 



Shows the name of the current weapon in a small HUD. Requires: Writer's Support Pack - Writer 



Welcomes people who you choose it to welcome. Requires: Presto Pack 0.93 - Crunchy

z0dd msgbox.cs


Finally you can customize the size of that stupid message box! Requires: nothing - z0dd


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-:SHAZBOT:- [Uploader]










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